Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Bread,we all need it.

Won't we wait, wait a little minute,
keep your eyes open wide
he'll be here soon, and he's on our side
watch out, watch out
if you miss him you won't get him back again
if you miss him he's not coming back again

he'll come in drunk as a dog
but he's still driving
no point talking to him about it
he'll end up lying in the hope you'll see the good in his soul
but he's everything you knew he would be

I hear him now, he taps like the devil
taps like a cheap walking stick,
taps like a tin leg on a scar faced man,
a man called flower,
the one we call pretty girl
he said “i'll eat anything that don't eat me”
but don't ask me to pay,
ask me anything but don't ask that way
it's not what you said, it's the look on your face as you lay on the floor
just don't ask me to pay.

He took his last ten, and made a paper swan
held it up to a tealight's flame,
that heats worth ten pound more but it heats just the same,
I don't miss the paper,but still, oh still.

I could've taken the position of leader of the blind,
but I turned it down,
seemed like it took too much time,
you're the prettiest girl i've known
no other world, and i've turned down, oh i've turned down a lot,
could make me want to keep you here more than you make me want to keep you here,
and the beast of the wild
shall be led by the child
and i'll be changed from this creature that I am.
And the people will be praying
for the loss of the man,
but Luke will be staying for as long as he can
staying for too long.
And one day I will lose myself
and we've all done crazy thing from time to time
and Oliver says i'm his man
but could you please not hit me so hard,
i've a living to make,
anywhere that won't show,
lift my hair, you know,
if I need to be hit,
the back of the necks the way to go,
but please, oh please.

So give this man a drink, all that he wants,
i'd rather have bread, bread the staff of life
I don't owe no man if i've got bread to hand.

Why, there you go, I see you from the window of my bus,
there you go, you're you i'm us
but if I could just get some
decent shoes, lord i'm born to rise,
God i'm born to rise.