Thursday, 25 November 2010

Education should be free, but don't tell anyone you think so.

You never know when it will happen. You may be standing in a small crowd of people, listening to someone, it probably makes no difference who, when an awkward question will be asked. As you look around to see who asked it, you notice a rapidly widening circle of dead air around you, and then hear angry rumblings from the mob.There will be a brief swaying from the front , and several intimidating looking men in dark glasses will lift you by the waist band of your trousers and carry you swiftly away from the  scene. As soon as you are clear, they will get to work on you: legs, genitals, kidneys, face, this will be repeated three or four times, and when they get bored with these, they will move to the cavities. When you finally come 'round it will be dark, and you will have to collect your extracted teeth from the path, leaving the finger nails where they lie-this is no time for vanity- put them in your handkerchief, and set off looking for a dentist, being fairly happy that they hadn't gone too heavy on your eyes. Putting teeth back into gums is one thing, but eyes take a higher level of doctor. Refitted eyes never face the same way, and it becomes difficult to disguise your profession, which sometimes leads to animosity.
 When you get back to your hotel the other guests will complain about both the smell and your appearance, but this means nothing to you, because the pain from your swollen mouth has taken away your ability to hear, and the fractured collar bone has made it difficult for you to move your head , and you don't have the urge to explain. When you reach the desk, you try to tell the night porter that you have lost your keys in a political discussion, and your wallet was stolen, so that incriminating evidence could be planted on the dead body of a crack dealer, who was wearing your overcoat. Obviously you cannot be certain that this is the reason, but it's a fair assumption. Strangely the night porter does not believe you and phones the police, which,of course starts the second stage of the process. Before this can happen you cut your losses and shuffle to the bar, which is fairly empty at this time of find a dark corner and mumble "vodka" to the waitress. She brings it and looks at you with a mixture of revulsion and sympathy."What happened?" She whispers,and looks around for the bar manager.  "I asked the party why it's no longer cost effective to educate our children and young people, seeing as they are the future of our country, and education is, in any case, it's own reward and worth encouraging with government funding" you manage to reply, before breaking down and sobbing uncontrollably. The tears drip down your bloodstained face and into the vodka, leaving little red tadpoles swimming amongst the ice cubes. You notice this and scream at the girl to fetch another drink, quckly, because this one is ruined. She looks at you with fear and runs to the bar, afraid of what your next move might be,but the moment has stare sadly at the blood in your vodka, and drink it anyway.

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